"Out of the zeal of a few Catholic pioneers, together with the faith inherent in them
and coupled with the leadership of those stalwart Catholic leaders, ministers of Christ,
St. Martin's was born! Catholicity came to Otter River in the same manner
that it reached many parts of our country. An immigrant people seeking home and livelihood,
determined to practice the faith which was the heritage, endured many sacrifices
and tolerated extreme hardships to practice the religion which meant so much to them."
and coupled with the leadership of those stalwart Catholic leaders, ministers of Christ,
St. Martin's was born! Catholicity came to Otter River in the same manner
that it reached many parts of our country. An immigrant people seeking home and livelihood,
determined to practice the faith which was the heritage, endured many sacrifices
and tolerated extreme hardships to practice the religion which meant so much to them."
These words, which begin a history of St. Martin's written in 1951 on the occasion of its 100th anniversary, capture the spirit of this faith community in north central Massachusetts. Although one of the smallest Catholic churches in the area, St. Martin's is recognized as the "mother church" to 15 parishes in the northwestern part of the Diocese of Worcester.
A century after its construction, with the little church filled to overflowing at all Masses, two new parishes were created in Templeton: Holy Cross in East Templeton and St. Vincent de Paul in Baldwinville. Recently, with changing demographics and a decline in the number of available priests, realignments have been made, and St. Martin's Church has now become a mission of Holy Cross Parish. The people of St. Martin's warmly welcome all visitors and newcomers to our community, and invite you to make St. Martin's your spiritual home. |
Mass Schedule
Sunday Mass at St. Martin's - 9:15 am
Vigil Mass at Holy Cross Church, East Templeton - Saturday, 4:30 pm
Sunday Mass at Holy Cross Church, East Templeton - 7:45 am and 10:45 am
Holy Day Masses - 8 am and 7 pm at Holy Cross Church,
noon at St. Martin's
The weekly bulletin may be read here
Bulletins are in PDF format.
NOTE: If you would like to be kept up to date with "breaking news" and items of interest, please send an email message to info@saintmartinchurch.org to be added to our contact list.
January 12, 2025
The Baptism of the Lord
After all the people had been baptized
and Jesus also had been baptized and was praying,
heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon him
in bodily form like a dove.
And a voice came from heaven,
“You are my beloved Son;
with you I am well pleased.”. —LK 3:21-22
Diocesan Prayer for Eucharistic Revival
Lord Jesus Christ, who by the gift of your Body and Blood, are really present in our lives, hear the prayers of the Church in Worcester.
Give us the faith of your Church, confident in your presence in our Masses, our tabernacles and our lives.
Give us the faith to offer our lives to you, joined with the perfect sacrifice, which you offered on the altar of the Cross.
Good and loving Shepherd, teach us how to lead your children home, that we might long together to glorify your name at the Supper of the Lord. For you are Lord, forever and ever. Amen.
© 2022, Diocese of Worcester. All Rights Reserved.
Lord Jesus Christ, who by the gift of your Body and Blood, are really present in our lives, hear the prayers of the Church in Worcester.
Give us the faith of your Church, confident in your presence in our Masses, our tabernacles and our lives.
Give us the faith to offer our lives to you, joined with the perfect sacrifice, which you offered on the altar of the Cross.
Good and loving Shepherd, teach us how to lead your children home, that we might long together to glorify your name at the Supper of the Lord. For you are Lord, forever and ever. Amen.
© 2022, Diocese of Worcester. All Rights Reserved.
Project Rachel
Sunday Mass Airs on TCTV Channel 8 The Sunday Mass from St. Paul's Cathedral in Worcester is now being aired on Templeton Community Television, Channel 8 on the Comcast system. The Mass will be broadcast every Sunday at 10 am on TCTV. Daily and Sunday MassWatch the Sunday Mass online LIVE from Cathedral of St. Paul at 10 am on Sunday mornings by clicking HERE. |
Act of Spiritual Communion My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love You above all things and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there, and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen. Our Mother MaryPlease feel welcome to visit our little Mary shrine on the church lawn at any time. The marble benches, crafted from the steps leading to the church — which were donated by Rev. James Howard in 1903 — offer a peaceful space for prayer.
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross will be held on Fridays at 6:30 pm at St. Vincent de Paul in Baldwinville, and at 7 pm at Holy Cross Church in East Templeton during Lent. You can also continue this devotion at home. Walk the Way of the Cross here, meditating on the Stations at St. Martin's Church.
St. Martin's Church • 248 State Road • Otter River, MA 01436 • Telephone 978-939-5588
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Email Office info@saintmartinchurch.org